Dance Positions & Directions
Butterfly position
The Man will face his partner with his arms extended to the side, palms up, at a comfortable shoulder height for his partner.
The Lady will face him and place her hands palm down on his hands. While there is hand contact, the partners do not grip hands – either partner can move away if necessary.
Open Position
Partners stand side by side (Lady to the Right of the Man), facing the same direction (usually Line of Dance), with Lady’s Left hand (palm down) resting on the Man’s Right hand (palm up) at about waist height.
Left Open Position
Partners stand side by side (Lady to the Left of the Man, facing the same direction (usually Reverse Line of Dance), with Lady’s Right hand (palm down) resting on the Man’s Left hand (palm up) at about waist height.
Closed Position
A slightly looser ballroom hold position than would be used for Waltz. Lead hands (Man’s Left & Lady’s Right) are joined and slightly extended to the side. The Man’s Right hand rests on the Lady’s Left shoulder blade and the Lady’s Left hand rests on the Man’s Right upper arm. Partners are facing but looking over partner’s Right shoulder, with feet offset so that viewed from above they appear thus: Lady’s Left, Man’s Right, Lady’s Right, Man’s Left.
Semi Closed Position
From Closed Position both partners turn their heads and feet towards direction of travel, leaving their bodies in a tight V shape. The Lady’s Left leg will be slightly behind the Man’s Right leg.
Reverse Semi-Closed position
From Closed position, bring joined lead hands closer to the body and raise them slightly to avoid strain on neck and shoulder. Loosen trail hands, maintaining contact, turn heads and feet slightly toward Reverse Line of Dance leaving their bodies in a tight V shape. The Man’s Left leg will be slightly behind the Lady’s Right leg.
Sidecar position
The Lady will stand facing the Man in a closed position, offset to his Left, with Left hips adjacent. Both feet will be outside (to the Right) of her partner’s feet but there is still a good amount of body overlap.
Banjo position
The Lady will stand facing the Man in a closed position, offset to his Right, with Right hips adjacent. Both feet will be outside (to the Left) of her partner’s feet but there is still a good amount of body overlap.
Open Facing Position
The Man will face his partner and a designated direction, with Trail hands only joined and free arms extended.
Left Open Facing Position
The Man will face his partner and a designated direction, with Lead hands only joined and free arms extended.
Wrapped Position
Dancers are side by side with the Lady to the Man’s right, facing the same direction. The Man’s right arm is behind the Lady with his right hand joined to her left hand close to her left hip. The Lady’s right arm is crossed over her left arm with her right hand joined to the Man’s left hand near her left hip.
V Position
Dancers face towards each other looking to a diagonal, with either lead or trail hands only joined and extended back and free arms extended forward.
Back to Back V Position
Dancers face away from each other looking to a diagonal, with either lead or trail hands only joined and extended forward, and free hands extended back.
Hall Directions