Rumba - Part 1
Fig 1 Basic:
This is a 2 measure figure which establishes the rhythm and action of the Rumba.
We will start by dancing this as solo dancers. Face the wall with Left feet free.
Forward Left, Recover Right, Side Left/Close Right, Side Left;
Back Right, Recover Left, Side Right/Close Left, Side Right;
Solo Practice 1.1:
Forward Left, Recover Right, Side Left/Close Right, Side Left;
Back Right, Recover Left, Side Right/Close Left, Side Right;
Facing your partner in Butterfly position (both hands joined) with the Man facing the Wall, you will have opposite feet free. Remember to keep your weight forward on the ball of the foot, so you have a little pressure through the arms. We will start with the Man’s Left foot and Lady’s Right foot, so that we move together in the same direction. Remember the cues are given to the Man, so as he steps Forward on the LEFT foot, she will step Back on the Right.
Practice 1.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; repeat
We can divide this 2 measure figure into two single measure figures which we would use separately.
Fig 1a Half Basic: Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Forward Left, Recover Right, Side Left;
Lady: Back Right, Recover Left, Side Right;
Fig 1b Back Half Basic: Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: Back Right, Recover Left, Side Right;
Lady: Forward Left, Recover Right, Side Left;
Fig 2 Fence Line:
This is one of many figures which begins with a step Through. It is a single measure figure which can begin with either foot free.
Staying in Butterfly position, Cross Lunge, with a soft knee, with the free foot (looking in the direction of the lunge), Recover, Side;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: Cross Lunge Left {towards RLOD}, Recover Right, Side Left;
Lady: Cross Lunge Right {towards RLOD}, Recover Left, Side Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: Cross Lunge Right {towards LOD}, Recover Left, Side Right;
Lady: Cross Lunge Left {towards LOD}, Recover Right, Side Left;
Practice 2.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;; Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Practice 2.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free:
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Half Basic ; Fence Line twice ;; Back Half Basic ;
Fig 3 New Yorker:
This is a single measure figure which can begin with either foot.
From Butterfly position, releasing same hands as the weighted foot, Swivel ¼ on the standing foot and Step Through with the free foot to Side by Side (Open or Left Open Position), Recover to face partner, Side/Close, Side;
Note: as the Step Through is taken on beat 1, the Swivel slightly precedes the beat. If you are standing on your Left foot the Swivel is Left Faced and you release your Left hand; If you are standing on your Right foot the Swivel is Right Faced and you release your Right hand;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: (Releasing Trail hands) Step Through Left {towards RLOD}, Recover Right, Side Left;
Lady: (Releasing Trail hands) Step Through Right {towards RLOD}, Recover Left, Side Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: (Releasing Lead hands) Step Through Right {towards LOD}, Recover Left, Side Right;
Lady: (Releasing Lead hands) Step Through Left {towards LOD}, Recover Right, Side Left;
Practice 3.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; New Yorker twice ;; Basic ;; New Yorker twice ;;
Practice 3.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free:
Basic ;; New Yorker twice ;;
Half Basic ; New Yorker ; Fence Line twice ;;
New Yorker ; Back Half Basic ; Fence Line ; New Yorker ;
Basic ;; New Yorker ; Fence Line ;
Note: usually a New Yorker will finish in a facing position, but the Cuer can modify the figure to finish in Open or Left Open position facing a designated direction. This is achieved by turning on the final Side step. This could be cued as “New Yorker and Blend to ... “
Fig 4 Spot Turn:
This is a single measure figure in which dancers individually make a full turn away from each other, to finish facing. The preparation and first step resemble that of a New Yorker. Spot Turn can begin with either foot.
From Butterfly position, Releasing the same hands Swivel ¼ on the standing foot, releasing joined hands Step Through with the free foot continuing the turn to face the opposite direction, Step Forward continuing the turn to face partner, Side;
Note: as the Step Through is taken on beat 1, the Swivel slightly precedes the beat. If you are standing on your Left foot the Swivel is Left Faced; if you are standing on your Right foot the Swivel is Right Faced. The Swivel defines the direction of the remainder of the turn. The turn is completed in the first two steps, so the final step moves to the side.
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: (Releasing Trail hands) Step Through Left {towards RLOD} releasing Lead hands and turning ½ Right-Faced, Forward Right continuing turn to face, Side Left;
Lady: (Releasing Trail hands) Step Through Right {towards RLOD} releasing Lead hands and turning ½ Left-Faced, Forward Left continuing turn to face, Side Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: (Releasing Lead hands) Step Through Right {towards LOD} releasing Trail hands and turning ½ Left-Faced, Forward Left continuing turn to face, Side Right;
Lady: (Releasing Lead hands) Step Through Left {towards LOD} releasing Trail hands and turning ½ Right-Faced, Forward Right continuing turn to face, Side Left;
Practice 4.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; New Yorker ; Spot Turn ; Basic ;; Spot Turn ; New Yorker ;
Practice 4.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free:
Basic ;; New Yorker ; Spot Turn ;
Half Basic ; New Yorker ; Spot Turn ; Fence Line ;
New Yorker ; Back Half Basic ; Fence Line ; Spot Turn ;
Basic ;; Spot Turn twice ;;
Fig 5 Crab Walks:
This is a two measure figure in which dancers move sideways, alternating crossing and side steps. It is important to keep the shoulder lines parallel so the movement is to the side. All crossing steps are in front of the weighed foot, so the feet move along parallel tracks.
Cross in front, Side, Cross in front;
Side, Cross in front, Side;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free (Moving towards RLOD)
Man: Cross Left in front, Side Right, Cross Left in front / Side Right, Cross Left in front; Side Right, Cross Left in front, Side Right;
Lady: Cross Right in front, Side Left, Cross Right in front / Side Left, Cross Right in front; Side Left, Cross Right in front, Side Left;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free (Moving towards LOD)
Man: Cross Right in front, Side Left, Cross Right in front / Side Left, Cross Right in front; Side Left, Cross Right in front, Side Left;
Lady: Cross Left in front, Side Right, Cross Left in front / Side Right, Cross Left in front; Side Right, Cross Left in front, Side Right;
Practice 5.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;; Crab Walks {RLOD} ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line ; Crab Walks {LOD} ;; Fence Line ;
Practice 5.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Half Basic ; Crab Walks {LOD} ;; Spot Turn ;
Crab Walks {RLOD} ;; Spot Turn ; New Yorker ;
We can divide this 2 measure figure into two single measure figures which we would use separately. Note: While Crab Walk begins with a crossing step, Crab Walk Ending begins with a side step. We shall use these variations later.
Fig 5a Crab Walk:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free (Moving towards RLOD)
Man: Cross Left in front, Side Right, Cross Left in front;
Lady: Cross Right in front, Side Left, Cross Right in front;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free (Moving towards LOD)
Man: Cross Right in front, Side Left, Cross Right in front;
Lady: Cross Left in front, Side Right, Cross Left in front;
Fig 5b Crab Walk Ending:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free (Moving towards RLOD)
Man: Side Right, Cross Left in front, Side Right;
Lady: Side Left, Cross Right in front, Side Left;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free (Moving towards LOD)
Man: Side Left, Cross Right in front, Side Left;
Lady: Side Right, Cross Left in front, Side Right;
Rumba Part 1 Video
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