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Waltz - Part 2

Fig 7   Left Turning Box:

This is a 4 measure figure in which every Half Box includes a quarter turn to the Left, so you finish where you started.   


We will start by dancing this as solo dancers.  Face the wall with Left feet free. 

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;    {Face LOD} 

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;       {Face COH} 

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;    {Face RLOD} 

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;       {Face Wall} 


As this is a Left turning figure, the turn is late ie you take the step before you turn.  Step forward onto the Left heel, transfer weight onto the ball of the foot then you can safely swivel ¼ to your left.  When stepping back onto the Right foot, keep the weight on the ball of the foot until you have made the turn.  As you take each Forward or Back step, turn your head a little to the Left to look towards the next facing direction – this will help you make crisp quarter turns.   


We can also practice starting with the Right foot free, facing the wall. 

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;        {Face LOD} 

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;    {Face COH} 

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;       {Face RLOD} 

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;    {Face Wall} 


Now if we begin in Closed position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free the dancers will rotate as a couple.  It is important that dancers maintain a good Closed position throughout, keeping their heads slightly to the Left. 


Man:    Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced to face LOD, Side Right,  Close Left ;     

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced to face COH, Side Left,  Close Right ;    

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced to face RLOD, Side Right,  Close Left ;     

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced to face Wall, Side Left,  Close Right ;    


Lady:   Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;    

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;     

Back Right & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Left,  Close Right ;    

Forward Left & turn ¼ Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;     


Practice 7.1:

In Closed position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Balance Left & Right ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 


Note:  It is possible to execute this figure as individual dancers, starting facing but not touching.  This is cued as  “Solo Left Turning Box”, but we will not look at this in detail here. 


We can use fractions of the Left Turning Box to turn a quarter, half or three quarters to the Left.  We might cue “Left Turning Box Half way” or “2 Quarter Left Turns”, followed by other figures while facing the opposite direction. 


Practice 7.2:

In Closed position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Balance Left & Right ;; 

Left Turning Box Halfway to face COH ;; Balance Left & Right;; 

Box ;;   Balance Left & Right ;; 

Left Turning Box Halfway to face Wall ;; Balance Left & Right;; 

Fig 7 - Talk Thru'
Fig 7 - Practice

Fig 8   Left Turns:

We can convert Quarter Left Turns into Left Turns, increasing the turn from ¼ to 3/8 per measure, by continuing the turn on the second step.   Typically 2 Left turns will begin facing LOD and finish facing the wall – a total of ¾ left-faced turn over 2 measures. 


In Closed position, facing LOD with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Forward Left & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Right cont turn,  Close Left ;    {Face DRC} 

Back Right & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Left cont turn,  Close Right ;        {Face Wall}  

Lady:   Back Right & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Left cont turn,  Close Right ;    

Forward Left & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Right cont turn,  Close Left ;     


Practice 8.1:

In Closed position with the Man facing LOD, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   2 Forward Waltzes ;; 

2 Left Turns Face Wall ;;  Box ;; 


In order to make a repeatable practice module, we need a figure which will return you from Closed position facing the wall, to Closed position facing LOD (also known as Pick Up position).  For now, we will use one measure of a Left Turning Box (or a Quarter Left Turn), followed by a Half Box Back.  These are figures you already know, used in a different way. 


In Closed position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Forward Left & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Right,  Close Left ;    {Face LOD} 

Back Right, Side Left,  Close Right ;        {Face LOD } 

Lady:   Back Right & turn ¼  Left-Faced, Side Left cont turn,  Close Right ;    

Forward Left, Side Right cont turn,  Close Left ;     


Practice 8.2:

In Closed position with the Man facing LOD, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   2 Forward Waltzes ;; 

2 Left Turns Face Wall ;;  Box ;; 

Quarter Left Turn Face LOD ;  Half Box Back ;  Balance Left & Right ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 

Fig 8 - Talk Thru'
Fig 8 - Practice

Fig 9a  Vine 3:

Although there is a family of Vine figures, the simplest and most commonly used is Vine 3 starting with the Lead feet.  It can be followed by a number of figures which start with the Trail feet and may change the facing direction.  As with Vines in all rhythms, the foot pattern is Side, Cross, Side. 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Side Left, Cross Right behind Left,  Side Left ;     

Lady:   Side Right, Cross Left behind Right,  Side Right ;     


It is important to keep your shoulder line parallel with your partner, so do not exaggerate the crossing step.  This figure may be extended to Vine 6 by continuing Cross in front, Side, Cross behind;  but this is rarely used due to the awkward finish position – both dancers having Trail feet crossed behind Lead feet. 


Fig 9b  Thru’ Face Close  (aka Thru’ Side Close):

This is the simplest “get out” figure following Vine 3.  It is a directionally cued figure which starts with the Trail feet. 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Thru’ Right towards LOD, Side Left to Face wall,  Close Right to Left ;     

Lady:   Thru’ Left towards LOD, Side Right to Face partner,  Close Left  to Right ;     


Practice 9.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Balance Left & Right ;; 

Vine 3 ;  Thru’ Face Close ; Box (Blend to Closed position) ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 


Fig 9c  PickUp, Side, Close:

This is a directionally cued figure which starts with the Trail feet.  It may also be cued as PickUp or PickUp in 3.  It changes the facing direction from facing the wall to facing LOD in Closed position


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Thru’ Right towards LOD turning ¼ Left-faced to face LOD, Side Left,  Close Right to Left ;     

Lady:   Thru’ Left towards LOD turning Left-Face in front of partner, Side Right to Face partner,  Close Left  to Right ;     


Practice 9.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Balance Left & Right ;; 

Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side, Close ;   2 Left Turns face wall ;;   

Fig 9 - Talk Thru'
Fig 9 - Practice
Waltz Part 2 Video

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