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Waltz - Part 5

Figure 19a Lady Wrap:

Wrap is an ACTION, which occurs at the same time as a Forward Waltz starting with Trail feet from an Open position.  The Man will lead the Lady to make a full Left-faced turn by bringing the joined Trail hands down as he makes a Forward Waltz. The figure ends in a Wrapped position, both dancers facing line of progression, with the Man’s Right arm behind the Lady’s back and both hands joined at the Lady’s waist level.   


Practice 19.1:    

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ; Lady Wrap ;  Forward Waltz ;  Thru’ Face Close to CP ; 

Box ; ;  Twirl Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side, Close ;  

2 Left Turns ;;  Box blend to Butterfly ;; 



Figure 19b Cross Wrap:

Cross Wrap is a one measure figure which starts from Open position with Lead feet free and ends in a wrapped position facing the opposite direction.  Here both dancers make a 180 degree turn (Man Right-faced and Lady Left-faced) crossing the line of progression.  Again the direction of turn is imparted by bringing the joined Trail hands down as the first step is taken. 


In Open position facing  LOD, with Trail feet free 

Man:  Lowering trail hand hold Forward Right commencing Right-Faced turn, Forward Left to Wrapped Position completing Right-Faced turn to face RLOD, Close Right to Left; 

Lady:  Lowering trail hand hold and bringing Right hand in front of chest Forward Left commencing Left-Faced turn, Forward Right to Wrapped Position facing RLOD, Close Left to Right; 


Practice 19.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ; Cross Wrap face RLOD ;  Back Waltz ;  Back Face Close face COH ; 

Blend to Closed position 2 Quarter Left Turns to wall ;;  Box blend to Butterfly ;; 

Fig 19 - Talk Thru'
Fig 19 - Practice

Figure 20a   Roll:  

A Roll is an individual turn, either right-faced or left-faced, with each step progressing in the direction of the free foot to end in designated position.  It usually starts from a facing position.   


In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Man:  Side Left turning ½ Left-faced, Side Right turning ½ Left-faced, Side Left; 

Lady:  Side Right turning ½ Right-faced, Side Left turning ½ Right-faced, Side Right ; 


Note:  In this example progression is along Line of Dance.  The direction of turn (away from partner) may be initially emphasized by touching lead hands palm to palm and gently bracing. 


Practice 20.1:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz away & Together ; ;  Roll 3 ;  Thru’ Face Close to Butterfly ; 

Waltz away & Together ; ;  Roll 3 ;  Thru’ Twinkle ; 

Thru’ Twinkle ;  Thru’ Face Close to Butterfly ;  Balance Left & Right ;; 



Figure 20b Lady Roll Across:

In this variation the Man will lead the Lady to Roll from one side to the other whilst he makes a small Forward or Back Waltz.  The figure may begin in Open, Left Open or Wrapped position – in which case the Man must release lead hands. 


Lady:  Forward starting to turn towards Man, Side continuing the turn, Forward; 


Practice 20.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ; Lady Roll Across (Man Fwd Waltz) ;  2 Forward Waltzes ;; 

Lady Roll Across (Man Fwd Waltz) ; Thru’ Face Close ;  Balance Left & Right ;; 


Practice 20.3:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ; Lady Wrap ;   Forward Waltz ;  Lady Roll Across (Man Fwd Waltz); 

Thru’ Twinkle ; Thru’ Face Close face COH ;  2 Quarter Left Turns ;; 


Practice 20.4:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz to Open ; Cross Wrap both face RLOD ;   Back Waltz ;  Lady Roll Across (Man Back Waltz); 

Thru’ Twinkle ; Thru’ Face Close face Wall ;  Box ;;

Fig 20 - Talk Thru'
Fig 20 - Practice

Figure 21  Twisty Balance:

In any “Twisty” figure, instead of dancers mirroring each other, one dancer (usually the Man) will dance the figure as normal while the other will cross in front instead of behind, changing the position and creating the “twist” appearance. 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Side Left, Cross Right behind Left,  Recover Left ;     

Lady:   Side Right, Cross Left in front of Right,  Recover Right ;     


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Side Right, Cross Left behind Right,  Recover Right ;     

Lady:   Side Left, Cross Right in front of Left,  Recover Left ;     


Practice 21:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Twisty Balance Left & Right ; ;  Waltz away & Together ; ;   

Roll 3 ;  Thru’ Face Close to Butterfly ;  Box ; ; 

Fig 21 - Talk Thru'
Fig 21 - Practice

Figure 22a  Twisty Vine 3:

Here the Man does a normal Vine 3, while the Lady crosses in front when he crosses behind. 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Side Left, Cross Right behind Left,  Side Left ;     

Lady:   Side Right, Cross Left in front of Right,  Side Right ;     


Note:  A Vine 3 is often followed by Thru’ Face Close.  This would give poor body flow for the Lady following a Twisty Vine, so the analogous cue would be “Forward Face Close”, so the Man would step through but the Lady would Cross behind, then both dancers would step Side and then Close. 


Practice 22.1:    

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Twisty Balance Left & Right ;; 

Twisty Vine 3 ;  Forward Face Close ; Box Blend to Closed position ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 


Figure 22b  Twisty Vine 6:   

In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Side Left, Cross Right behind Left,  Side Left ;    

 Cross Right in front of Left,  Side Left, Cross Right behind Left ; 

Lady:   Side Right, Cross Left in front of Right,  Side Right ;     

Cross Left behind Right,  Side Right, Cross Left in front of Right ; 


This figure is seldom used as it finishes in Sidecar position which limits the possibilities for the next figure. 


Practice 22.2:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Box ;;   Twisty Balance Left & Right ;; 

Twisty Vine 6 ;;  Canter twice to Closed position facing wall ;; 

Left Turning Box ;; ;; 

Fig 22 - Talk Thru'
Fig 22 - Practice

Figure 23  Solo Turn:

This is a 2 measure figure in which dancers independently execute one full turn away from each other to finish in a facing position.  It is important to note the turn is not evenly split over the 2 measures (meas 1 has ¾ turn, meas 2 has ¼ turn). 


In Butterfly position, facing the Wall with Lead feet free. 

Man:    Side Left turn ½  LF, Side Right  turn ¼ LF, Close Left to LOP face RLOD; 

  Back Right turn ¼  LF, Side Left, Close Right to designated position facing wall; 

Lady:   Side Right turn ½  RF, Side Left turn ¼ RF, Close Right to LOP face RLOD;  

  Back Left turn ¼  RF, Side Right, Close Left to designated position; 


Practice 23:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Waltz Away & Together ;;  Solo Turn to Butterfly ;; 

Twirl Vine 3 ;  PickUp, Side Close ;  2 Left Turns face wall ;;

Fig 23 - Talk Thru'
Fig 23 - Practice

Figure 24  Spin Manoeuvre:

This is a 1 measure combination figure, starting with Trail feet free, in which the Man does a Manoeuvre whilst leading the Lady to Spin Left-faced to face him.    He does this by lowering the joined Trail hands prior to releasing them as he takes his first step.  The need to lead the Lady means this figure is cued as “Spin Manoeuvre” rather than “Manoeuvre Spin”.  The figure ends in Closed position facing RLOD. 


In Open position, facing LOD with Trail feet free. 

Man:    Bringing joined Trail hands down then releasing them Thru’ Right towards LOD, turning in front of Lady to face RLOD Side Left,  Close Right to Left blend to Closed position;     

Lady:   Spinning Left-Faced in place Left, Right,  Left  to face Man ;     


Note:  After the Man has released Trail hands and taken his first step, it will help the Lady if he then raises his Right arm in an arc providing her with a framework to spin within.  This will prevent straggling and aid the resumption of a good closed position ready for the next figure 


Practice 24:

In Butterfly position with the Man facing the Wall, with Lead feet free 

Balance Left & Right ;;  Waltz to Open ;  Spin Manoeuvre ;  

2 Back Waltzes ;;   2 Right Turns face wall ;; 


A common “set up” figure to Spin Manoeuvre is “Step to Open and Swing”.   A step is taken on the Lead feet releasing lead hands to an Open position.  Swing is an ACTION in which the free foot is swung forward or forward & slightly across the body, with no weight change to end about 3 inches from the floor with the toe pointed down.

Fig 24 - Talk Thru'
Fig 24 - Practice
Waltz Part 5 Video

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