Rumba - Part 4
Fig 17 Chase Peek a Boo:
This is a four measure variation on the Chase in which the first two measures of the Chase are separated by two Cucarachas
(1) Forward Left turning sharply ½ Right-Faced to Tandem [man in front], Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;
(2) Cucaracha Right (looking over Left shoulder)
(3) Cucaracha Left (looking over Right)
(4) Forward Right turning sharply ½ Left-Faced to face partner, Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;
(1) Back Right with no turn, Recover Left, Forward Right;
(2) Cucaracha Left (looking towards partner)
(3) Cucaracha Right (looking towards partner)
(4) Forward Left with no turn, Recover Right, Back Left;
Note: RAL does not define the arm actions for this figure. It is important to learn the footsteps first, but if you choose to add the arm movements, these are commonly used. Simplest option: Both dancers extend arms down and side in a V shape
Lead dancer:
(2) Cucaracha Right (looking over Left shoulder) with Right arm raised and Left arm extended to the front or side
(3) Cucaracha Left (looking over Right shoulder) with Left arm raised and Right arm extended to the front or side
Trail dancer:
(2) Cucaracha Left with Left arm raised and Right arm extended to the front or side
(3) Cucaracha Right with Right arm raised and Left arm extended to the front or side
Practice 17.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Chase Peek a Boo to Butterfly position ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Practice 17.2:
Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free
Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle Cha ;;
Chase Peek a Boo ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Fig 18 Break to Position:
This is a one measure figure in which Dancers change from a facing position to a side by side position. With lead feet free the figure will end in Open position (this is more commonly used) and with Trail feet free it will end in Left Open position. It feels like the opposite of a New Yorker as you swivel and step Back rather than step Through.
Swivelling sharply on weighted foot step Back to designated position, Recover, Forward;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free “ Break Back to Open”
Man: (Releasing Lead hands Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face LOD) Back Left , Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;
Lady: (Releasing Lead hands Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face LOD) Back Right , Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free “ Break Back to Left Open”
Man: (Releasing Trail hands Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face RLOD) Back Right , Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;
Lady: (Releasing Trail hands Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face RLOD) Back Left , Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;
Practice 18.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Fence Line ; Spot Turn ; Break Back to Open ; Progressive Walk 3 ;
Sliding Door twice ;; Circle Away & Together to Butterfly ;;
Basic ;; New Yorker twice ;;
Chase Peek a boo ;; ;;
Practice 18.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Fence Line ; Break Back to Left open ; Progressive Walk 3 {RLOD} ;
Sliding Door twice ;; Progressive Walk 3 ; New Yorker to Butterfly * ; Whip {COH} ;
Basic ;; Fence Line ; Whip {Wall} ;
Half Basic ; UnderArm Turn ; Lariat ;;
Note: * Here the New Yorker starts in LOP position, so no preliminary swivel is required.
Fig 19 Hand to Hand:
This is a development of the previous figure in which dancers swivel to face on the recover step and finish the figure with Side/Close, Side.
Swivelling sharply 1/4 on weighted foot step Back to Open [with lead foot] or Left Open [with trail foot], Recover turning 1/4 to face partner, Side
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Man: (Releasing Lead hands Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face LOD) Back Left , Recover Right (Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face), Side Left;
Lady: (Releasing Lead hands Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face LOD) Back Right , Recover Left (Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face), Side Right;
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free
Man: (Releasing Trail hands Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face RLOD) Back Right, Recover Left (Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face), Side Right;
Lady: (Releasing Trail hands Swivel ¼ Left-Faced to face RLOD) Back Left , Recover Right (Swivel ¼ Right-Faced to face), Side Left;
Practice 19.1:
Butterfly position Man facing Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ; ; Fence Line ; Spot Turn ;
Hand to Hand twice ;; Cucarachas ;;
Practice 19.2:
Butterfly position Man facing Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ; ; Fence Line ; Spot Turn ;
Hand to Hand ; Crab Walks {LOD} ;; Hand to Hand ;
Basic ;; Shoulder to Shoulder ; Hand to Hand ;
Cucarachas ;; Hand to Hand ; UnderArm Turn ;
Fig 20 Cucaracha Cross:
This figure uses the same footwork as Sliding Door but the dancers remain facing, usually in Butterfly position, throughout the figure. The figure can begin with either foot free.
Rock Side, Recover, Cross in front;
Note: “Cross in front” uses the same action as Crab Walk, with the feet on parallel tracks rather than crossing tightly which would block sideways movement.
Practice 20.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Travelling Door twice ;;
Cucarachas ;; Hand to Hand twice ;;
Practice 20.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Cucarachas ;; Travelling Door ; Crab Walk Ending ;
Lariat ;; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;
Cucaracha ; Travelling Door blend to Open ; Progressive Walks ;;
Circle Away & Together to Butterfly ;; Basic ;;
Fig 21 Time Step:
This is a one measure figure which may begin with either foot. Usually dancers release both hands and extend them to the side. As dancers are moving independently, it is important to keep the shoulder lines parallel.
Cross just behind, Recover, Side;
Practice 21.1:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Basic ;; Time Step twice ;;
Chase ;; ;;
Practice 21.2:
Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Timestep ; Whip {COH} ; Shoulder to Shoulder ; Whip {Wall} ;
Chase Peek a Boo ;; ;;
Reverse UnderArm Turn ; Timestep ; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;
Cucarachas ;; Cucaracha Cross twice ;;
Rumba Part 4 Video
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