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Rumba - Part 5

Fig 22  Chase Peek a Boo Double:

This is an eight measure variation on the Chase in which measures 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 of the Chase are each separated by two Cucarachas.



(1) Forward Left turning sharply 1/2 RF to Tandem [man in front], Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;

(2) Cucaracha Right (looking over Left shoulder)

(3) Cucaracha Left (looking over Right shoulder)

(4) Forward Right turning sharply 1/2 LF to Tandem [Lady in front], Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;

(5) Cucaracha Left (looking towards partner)

(6) Cucaracha Right   (looking towards partner)       

(7) Forward Left with no turn, Recover Right, Back Left;

(8) Back Right with no turn, Recover Left, Forward Right;



(1) Back Right with no turn, Recover Left, Forward Right;

(2) Cucaracha Left (looking towards partner)

(3) Cucaracha Right   (looking towards partner)       

(4) Forward Left turning sharply 1/2 RF to Tandem [Lady in front], Recover Forward Right, Forward Left;

(5) Cucaracha Right (looking over Left shoulder)

(6) Cucaracha Left (looking over Right shoulder)

(7) Forward Right turning sharply 1/2 LF to face partner, Recover Forward Left, Forward Right;

(8) Forward Left with no turn, Recover Right, Back Left;


Note:  RAL does not define the arm actions for this figure.  It is important to learn the footsteps first, but if you choose to add the arm movements, these are commonly used.


Simplest option:  Both dancers extend arms down and side in a V shape



Lead dancer:

(2) & (5) Cucaracha Right (looking over Left shoulder) with Right arm raised and Left arm extended to the front or side

(3) & (6) Cucaracha Left (looking over Right shoulder) with Left arm raised and Right arm extended to the front or side


Trail dancer:

(2)  & (5) Cucaracha Left with Left arm raised and Right arm extended to the front or side

(3)  & (6) Cucaracha Right with Right arm raised and Left arm extended to the front or side


Practice 22.1:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Chase Peek a Boo Double to Butterfly position ;; ;; ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line twice ;;


Practice 22.2:

Open position facing LOD, Lead feet free

Forward Basic ; Back Basic ; Circle Away & Together to face ;;
Chase Peek a Boo Double to Butterfly position ;; ;; ;; ;;
Basic ;; Fence Line to Open position ; Progressive Walk 3 ;


Note:  Other variations on Chase Peek a Boo are sometimes used, but these are not defined by RAL and the Cuer must indicate which dancer turns and when peeks are executed.  Eg

Man Turn ;  Both Turn ;  Lady Peek twice ; ; Both Turn ;  Man Turn to Butterfly ;

Fig 22 - Walk Thru'
Fig 22 - Practice

Fig 23  Sand Step:

This is a one measure figure which can start with either foot, but has only one change of weight (on the crossing step) as the first two beats use a “Touch” which is an action, so does not involve weight change. The figure is usually danced in Butterfly position.


Left feet free:  Swivelling slightly to Right on the Right foot rotate the Left knee inward in order to touch the Left toe to the instep of the Right foot [no weight change], swivelling slightly to Left on the Right foot rotate the Left knee outward in order to touch the Left heel to the floor near the instep of the Right foot [no weight change], swivelling slightly to Right on the Right foot Cross Left in front;


Right feet free:  Swivelling slightly to Left on the Left foot rotate the Right knee inward in order to touch the Right toe to the instep of the Left foot [no weight change], swivelling slightly to Right on the Left foot rotate the Right knee outward in order to touch the Right heel to the floor near the instep of the Left foot [no weight change], swivelling slightly to Left on the Left foot Cross Right in front;


Note:  “Cross in front” uses the same action as Crab Walk, with the feet on parallel tracks rather than crossing tightly which would block sideways movement.


Practice 23.1:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Sand Step twice ;;
Cucaracha Cross twice ;; Cucarachas ;;


Practice 23.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Sand Step twice ;;
Crab Walk Ending {LOD} ; UnderArm Turn ; Lariat ;;
Chase Peek a Boo Double ;; ;; ;; ;;


Sand Step is much less frequently used in Rumba than in Cha Cha.

Fig 23 - Walk Thru'
Fig 23 - Practice

Fig 24   Side Walks: 

This figure uses alternating Side and Close steps, starting with Side on the free foot.


Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free     


Side Left, Close Right, Side Left;
Close Right, Side Left, Close Right ;


Side Right, Close Left, Side Right;
Close Left, Side Right, Close Left ;


Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Trail feet free   


Side Right, Close Left, Side Right;
Close Left, Side Right, Close Left ;


Side Left, Close Right, Side Left;
Close Right, Side Left, Close Right ;


NB: Sidewalk uses only the first measure.


Practice 24.1:

Butterfly position Man facing Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ; ; Side Walks {LOD} ;;
Cucaracha ; Side Walks {RLOD} ;; Cucaracha ;


Practice  24.2:

Butterfly position Man facing Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ; ; Fence Line ; Crab Walk {LOD} ;
Side Walk {LOD} ; Spot Turn ; Hand to Hand twice ; ;
Crab Walk {RLOD} ; Side Walk {RLOD} ; Fence Line ; UnderArm Turn ;
Lariat ;; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;

Fig 24 - Walk Thru'
Fig 24 - Practice

Fig 25    Open Break:

This figure is unusual in that the dancers step apart on the lead feet, so while the Lady steps strongly back on her right foot, quite naturally, the Man steps strongly back on his Left foot which is somewhat counter-intuitive.


Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free      

Man: Back Left raising Trail arms (palm out), Recover Right to Butterfly, Side Left;       

Lady: Back Right raising Trail arms (palm out),, Recover Left to Butterfly, , Side Right;


Note:  Although dancers step strongly back on the first step, this refers to energy not a larger step. Foot placement is directly behind the weighted foot and body alignment remains vertical. More recently a styling option to extend the trail arm to the side has gained popularity.


Practice 25.1:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Open Break ; Spot Turn ;
Cucarachas ;; Open Break ; New Yorker ;


Practice 25.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Open Break ; Whip {COH} ;
Chase Peek a Boo ;; ;;
Basic ;; Open Break ; Whip {Wall} ;
Fence Line ; Spot Turn ; Shoulder to Shoulder twice ;;


Note:  Although the Man steps back for the Open Break, he still steps back on the trail foot to start the Whip.

Fig 25 - Walk Thru'
Fig 25 - Practice

Fig 26  Chase with UnderArm Pass:

This is a two measure figure, starting with lead feet, in which the first measure of a Chase is followed by dancers changing sides with the Lady turning under the joined lead hands passing the Man’s left side.


Man: Forward Left with ½ Right-Faced turn keeping Lead hands joined and low, Recover Forward Right, Forward Left; Back Right raising joined Lead hands leading Lady to turn Left-Faced, Recover Left, small Side Right;

Lady: Back Right keeping Lead hands joined and low, Recover Left, Forward Right towards man’s Left side;
Forward Left, Forward Right turning ½ Left-Faced under joined Lead hands to face partner, small Side Left;


Note:  At the start of measure 2, the Man steps back on his Right foot while bringing his Left arm forward and up. 


Practice 26.1:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Basic ;; Chase with UnderArm Pass {COH} ;;
Basic ;; Chase with UnderArm Pass {Wall} ;;


Practice 26.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Timestep twice to Butterfly ;; Basic ;;
Chase with UnderArm Pass {COH} ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Open Break ; Whip {Wall} ; Cucarachas ;;
Cucaracha Cross twice ;; Side Walk ; Spot Turn ;




Fig 26 - Walk Thru'
Fig 26 - Practice

Fig 27  Corte:

This is a half measure figure, starting with the lead feet free, which is often followed by a Recover step or a “hold” for the remainder of the measure. Usually executed in Closed position, it comprises one slow step.


Man: Back & Side Left using lowering action with supporting leg relaxed.

Lady: Forward & Side Right using lowering action with supporting leg relaxed.


Practice 27.1:

Closed position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free
Side Walks ;; Corte & Recover ; Corte & Recover ;
Basic ;; Cucarachas ;




Fig 27 - Walk Thru'
Fig 27 - Practice

Fig 28  Thru’ Serpiente:

This is a two measure figure which begins with a step through on the free foot. It may start with either foot and travel in either direction.


Man: In a facing position thru right, side left, behind right, fan left counterclockwise; behind left, side right, thru left, fan right counterclockwise;

Lady: In a facing position thru left, side right, behind left, fan right clockwise; behind right, side left, thru right, fan left clockwise;


Note: Serpiente (without the initial step through) starts with a step to the side and features in many rhythms with appropriate timing. 


Practice 28.1:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line ; Thru’ Serpiente {LOD} ;; Spot Turn ;
Thru’ Serpiente {RLOD} ;; Fence Line twice ;;


Practice 28.2:

Butterfly position Man facing the Wall, Lead feet free

Fence Line ; Thru’ Serpiente {LOD} ;; Cucaracha ;
Chase with UnderArm Pass {COH} ;; Fence Line twice ;;
Open Break ; Whip {Wall} ; New Yorker twice ;;
Thru’ Serpiente {RLOD} ;; Cucarachas ;;




Fig 28 - Walk Thru'
Fig 28 - Practice
Rumba Part 5 Video

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